Spring borne upper node of the current collector, interacting with the contact wire.
The runner shows the slider contact on the contact wire. Runner form must to be comply with the specifications «GOST 32204» and «GOST 32679».
The runner consists of a middle part with a length of 1000-1200 mm, on which current-collecting elements are fixed: carbon inserts, or ceramic-metal plates and bevels (horns), providing the location of the contact wire on the working part of the runner in the places of air arrows and mates of the contact network.
The mass and electrical resistivity of the runner should be the smallest. For current collectors that provide removal of traction current up to 1.2 kA, the mass of the runners should not exceed 12 kg, and up to 3 kA - 18 kg.
The runner is connected to the frame with copper shunts to transfer current from the contact wire to the current collector body.
Features of operating conditions.
The runner must provide a regulated mileage over the contact wire to the extreme wear of the current collection elements.
The runner must have sufficient mechanical strength. The bend, twist and shock loads affect from the side of the contact wire.
The significant electrical current that flows through the runner causes it to heat up, which can exceed 200°C.
During the period of icing and frost some precipitations on the contact wire, there may be an arc that the runner must withstand when a current collecting begins.
The runner's warranty period lasts at least 2 years, the useful period lasts at least 5 years.
The advantages of our runners:
- provide easy installation work of the runner during the replacement;
- the technology of welding the copper strip substrate to the carcass guarantees a uniform fit of the substrate;
- carcass with powder coating provides long life and protection against the arced current collection;
- runners with five coal inserts in the same row create the possibility of saving inserts when the runner restoring achieve the limit of wear;
- In most carcass, it is possible to adjust the horn-bevels for optimal mating with the extreme inserts;
- carcass with increased distance between rows of inserts, ensure uniform wear of inserts;
- The 60-mm-wide runners with carbon inserts provide greater resource up to the extreme wear of the inserts.
Each type of runner has its own structural features and installation dimensions. When you choose a runner, it is necessary to know the type of current collector and its permissible continuous current.
Runner carcass provides versatility and lowest cost of labor for the installation of inserts.
The runner provides significant savings for the coal inserts when the runner restoring achieve the limit of wear.
The runner in the set (runner carcass with metal-ceramic contact platens) is designed to transfer electric current from the contact network to the electric rolling stock.
It has an increased distance between rows of inserts, ensuring uniform wear of inserts.
A feature of this runner is the ability to adjust the horn-bevels what allows to achieve especially exact settings of the current collector.
The 60-mm-wide runners with carbon inserts provide greater resource up to the extreme wear of the inserts.